frequently asked questions

What Exactly is a GSA Schedule?

A GSA Schedule is a contract between the United States General Services Administration (GSA) and a company. This contract is made up of pre-negotiated prices that allow you to sell these goods and services to any agency of the United States Government.

How long does getting a GSA Schedule take?

Most companies require approximately 200 labor hours to complete the entire process from initial development to award. Our experienced team at GO GSA can dramatically reduce that amount of time. Once we have gathered all of the information that we need from your company, we can finish up the final proposal within 2 weeks. Once we have submitted your proposal to the GSA, it can take anywhere between 3-12 months for the GSA Contracting Officers to review the proposal.

Can this process go faster?

One of the best ways to move things along in the early stages is to provide the GO GSA team with all of the required content as quickly as possible. If you have an interested buyer in a government agency already, you can have them write a Letter of Expedite on your behalf in order to help expedite the process. In most cases, this Letter of Expedite provides your application with much more visibility, and reduces the time it takes to review the proposal to 6 months or less.

Why should we hire someone from outside to help?

Although it is entirely possible to get on the GSA schedule without the experienced GO GSA team, there are a number of reasons to take advantage of the expertise that our team brings to the table.

  • Free up company resources for other projects.
  • Obtain your GSA Schedule Contract faster.
  • Make sure that your proposal is accurate, complete, and meets all of the requirements.
  • Develop a complete GSA marketing strategy with our team of federal business experts.
  • Make sure that your company is appropriately represented before a federal agency.
  • Ensure that you have a competitive, accurate long-range price list
Why does my company need a GSA schedule?

If your company wants to sell your products and services to any federal agency, then you will need the appropriate contracts and channels to do so. The most common contracting vehicle for a federal agency to buy goods and services is through a GSA Schedule.

What does the process to get on a GSA Schedule look like?

One of the first things that you need to determine when getting on a GSA Schedule is which Special Item Numbers (SINs) makes the most sense for your company. This is based off of the particular goods and services that your company has to offer. After that is done, the solicitation is downloaded, and you can begin putting your proposal together. This process includes completing the solicitation, certifications, and all of the forms required by GSA. Once the paperwork has been finished, the proposal is submitted to GSA where it is reviewed, negotiated, and awarded.

What does GO GSA do after we have been awarded?

Our team not only specializes in getting you on a GSA Schedule, but we also take pride in our value as a resource to you after you have been awarded your GSA Schedule Contract. Our post-award services include, but are not limited to; market analysis, contract modifications, strategic planning, GSA contract maintenance training, and federal marketing.

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